"Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics" T. Kuribayashi, G. Rambelli, E. Takmaz, P. Wicke, Y. Oseki at ACL 2024.
"Using Analogical Reasoning to Prompt LLMs for their Intuitions of Abstract Spatial Schemas" P. Wicke, L. Hirlimann, J.M. Cunha. First Workshop on Analogical Abstraction in Cognition, Perception, and Language at IJCAI 2024.
"Robustness Testing of Multi-Modal Models in Varied Home Environments for Assistive Robots" L. Hirlimann, S. Zhang, H. Schütze, P. Wicke. Geriatronics Summit 2024. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Poster presentation.
"Exploring Spatial Schema Intuitions in Large Language and Vision Models" P. Wicke. L. Wachowiak, ACL 2024 Findings (long). Bangkok, Thailand. Paper.
"LoHoRavens: A Long-Horizon Language-Conditioned Benchmark for Robotic Tabletop Manipulation" S. Zhang, P. Wicke, L.K. Senel, L. Figueredo, A. Naceri, S. Haddadin, B. Plank, H. Schuetze. 6th Robot Learning Workshop at NeurIPS 2023.
"Towards Language-Based Modulation of Assistive Robots through Multimodal Models" P. Wicke, L.K. Şenel, S. Zhang, L. Figueredo, A. Naceri, S. Haddadin, H. Schütze. Geriatronics Summit 2023. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Poster presentation.
"LMs stand their Ground: Investigating the Effect of Embodiment in Figurative Language Interpretation by Language Models" P. Wicke, ACL 2023 Findings (long). Toronto, Canada. Paper.
"A Crosslingual Investigation of Conceptualization in 1335 Languages" Y. Liu, H. Ye, L. Weissweiler, P. Wicke, R. Pei, R. Zangenfeind and H. Schütze, ACL 2023 Main (long). Toronto, Canada. Paper.
"Immune Moral Models? Pro-Social Rule Breaking as a Moral Enhancement Approach for Ethical AI" Rajitha Ramanayake, Philipp Wicke and Vivek Nallur. In AI & SOCIETY.
"The Role of Gestures and Movement in Computational, Embodied Storytelling". The Role of Embodiment in the Perception of Human & Artificial Creativity. ICCC'22 Workshop. Workshop Publication.
"Computational Storytelling as an Embodied Robot Performance with Gesture and Spatial Metaphor" Philipp Wicke. Doctoral Thesis.
"Metaphor, Blending and Irony in Action: Creative Performance as Interpretation and Emotionally-Grounded Choice " Tony Veale and Philipp Wicke. International Conference on Computational Creativity. ICCC21.
"Creative Action at a Distance: A Conceptual Framework for Embodied Performance With Robotic Actors" Philipp Wicke and Tony Veale. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. Creativity and Robotics. 2021.
"Are You Not Entertained? Computational Storytelling with Non-Verbal Interaction" Philipp Wicke and Tony Veale. HRI '21 Companion: Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction.
"Covid-19 discourse on Twitter: How the topics, sentiments, subjectivity and figurative frames changed over time" Philipp Wicke and Marianna Bolognesi. Frontiers in Communication. 2021.
"The Show Must Go On: On The Use of Embodiment, Space and Gesturein Computational Storytelling" Philipp Wicke and Tony Veale. New Generation Computing. Special Issue: New Directions in Computational Creativity. 2020.
"Show, Don’t (Just) Tell: Embodiment and Spatial Metaphor in Computational Story-Telling" Philipp Wicke and Tony Veale. ICCC20. International Conference on Computational Creativity. 2020.
"An Approach for Text-to-Emoji Translation" Philipp Wicke and João M. Cunha | Short Paper. ICCC20. International Conference on Computational Creativity. 2020.
"Framing COVID-19: How we conceptualize and discuss the pandemic on Twitter" P.Wicke and M.Bolognesi" | PLOS ONE. 2020.
"Emoji-based semantic representations for abstract and concrete concepts" P.Wicke and M.Bolognesi| Cognitive Processing. Springer. 2020.
"Walk the Line: Digital Storytelling as Embodied Spatial Performance" Philipp Wicke and Tony Veale. AISB20 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Simulated Behavior. 2020.
"Analyzing online discourse for everyone: Covid-19 and the spread of Sinophobia" | Publication: AI for People
"Introduction to Natural Language Processing and Topic Modeling" AI for People Lecture | 1st AI for People Workshop 2020.
Poster: "You Had To Be There: Cognitive Insights from an Embodied Storytelling System" P.Wicke and T.Veale. Computational Cognition Workshop 2019, Osnabrück. 2019.
"Storytelling with Alexa and Nao" P.Wicke and T.Veale. Computational Creativity Meets Digital Literary Studies (Dagstuhl Seminar 19172). Dagstuhl Reports. 2019.
"Duets Ex Machina: On The Performative Aspects of “Double Acts” in Computational Creativity." T.Veale, T. Mildner and P.Wicke| ICCC19. International Conference on Computational Creativity, Charlotte (USA). 2019.
"New Paths for Intelligence — ISSAI19" | Publication: AI for People
"Layers of Responsibility for a better AI future" | Publication: AI for People
"Wheels Within Wheels: A Causal Treatment of Image Schemas in An Embodied Storytelling System" P.Wicke and T.Veale | TriCoLore18. 4th Image Schema Day, Bozen Italy. Speaker.
"Interview with the Robot: Question-Guided Collaboration in a Story-telling System" P.Wicke and T. Veale | International Conference on Computational Creativity, Salamanca (Spain). Speaker.
"Storytelling by a Show of Hands: A framework for interactive embodied storytelling in robotic agents" P.Wicke and T. Veale | AISB18 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Simulated Behavior, Liverpool (UK). Paper presentation. Speaker.
"Where is my mind? — A comment on theories of embodied cognition." | Curator selection: Neuroscience
"Ideograms as Semantic Primes: Emoji in Computational Linguistic Creativity" | Bachelor Thesis