Cognition Embodiment Language

Philipp Wicke is an Assistant Professor (Akad. Rat) at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU). He is working on a diversity of topics related to Artificial Intelligence and Computational Linguistics. His doctoral thesis on Embodied Storytelling using Spatial Metaphor and Gesture provides a contribution to the research of Computational Creativity. In his current role at LMU, Philipp is researching on Natural Language Processing and teaches programming in the B.A. and M.A. Computational Linguistics. His background in Cognitive Science fields his research interest in Computational Creativity, Embodied Cognition and Artificial Intelligence.

Philipp Wicke is the Head of AI Applications of the AI for People Association, which promotes the idea of shaping Artificial Intelligent technology around human and societal needs. He is an Associate Member of the Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML) and of the Munich Center for Linguistics (MCL).

Feel free to get in touch at: philipp[dot]wicke[at]lmu[dot]de

Research Activities